Data Privacy at Mighty-Office

We are happy, that you are using the Mighty-Office App. Data privacy and data security have a high priority for us. Therefor the protection of your personal data is important to us.

For Mighty-Office we have decided, that - in addition to the legal requirements for data privacy - the privacy policy of Deutsche Telekom is used. You can get more information in the document Deutsche Telekom Privacy Code of Conduct.

This privacy statement explains, which information Mighty-Office will store and process during the usage of the App.

When you use the App, our Web-Servers will temporarily store the IP-address of the initiating device, the device ID and the email address you have registered. With this information we verify, if you are still eligible to use the provided data (e.g. Office Locations). After successful verification the data will be deleted.

If you add locations to your favorites, these locations will be connected to your account on our servers. As soon as you remove a location from your favorites, this connection will be removed again. This allows us to notify you automatically (e.g. via Push Notification), when a warning or urgent information is published for your favorite locations.

Further personal data, like customer name, address or phone number will only be collected, if they are needed in order to provide the respective services.

During registration you will be asked to provide the data necessary for the respective service. After verification of entitlement by me, you will receive an email asking you to send a digitally signed email reply. After successful verification of your reply I will authorize your registered device to use the data (e.G. Office Locations).

The collection, processing and use of your personal data is subject to the applicable data protection law, only for the purpose of service provision and to safeguard legitimate interests.

As a registered user at any time we give you free information, what data Mighty-Office has collected from you. Upon written request we will inform you of what data Mighty-Office has stored about you (eg email address). For identity protection I cannot issue any information by phone. Any notification will be given via email.

If you cancel your registration, after fulfillment and settlement of outstanding services your information is deleted in accordance with statutory provisions. Unless a deletion should not be possible due to legal retention requirements, your record will be closed until the end the retention period, i.e. the data are excluded from further use.

A transfer of personal data to third parties will not be done. The only exception is the transfer of personal data in accordance with a priority of law to responsible public authorities, such as crime.

To protect your personal data retained by us, we have taken extensive technical and operational actions against unauthorized access and abuse. The data are exclusively stored and transferred encrypted in data centers in Germany and France.

If you have questions about privacy at Mighty-Office, requests or suggestions please contact us:

Data Privacy Officer: Alexander de Greiff
Email: Alexander.deGreiff (at)

Mighty GmbH